Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Morning

I did what a mother does, I waited for the kids to fall asleep and than I hid the Easter eggs through the living room. The boys woke up at 5:45 in the morning and down to Tiana's room they went to wake her too.

As I get up and walk to the living room, I notice that a lot of the eggs are not where I put them. Confused as there was a pile of them on the middle of the living room floor. I sit down on the couch and than Einstein shows himself. He was knocking them down and batting them around the room.

The kids found all the eggs and than the fun begins. We hide plastic eggs as my kids always leave me to dye the hard boiled eggs by myself. So it works better for us to just use plastic ones. I enclose candy and money in them so it works out best for them too. Dalton found the most money this year, Ian in a close second, and Tiana, well, lets say she had a pathetic finish.

It was a great to watch them hunt for the eggs and it makes me realize I don't have many more of those years left. How fast they grow. In fact, I think my kids just humor me through most of the holidays.

Now, it is time to make pina colada cake.

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