Saturday, April 24, 2010

Patient satisfaction survey

I did what I do every Friday morning at work. I log in to the computer, grab my water from the refrigerator, grab the mail from my mailbox, and listen to my voice mails. It is routine and if you know me than you know I do most things in a routine.

As I was going through my mail I came across a voucher. On the voucher it read "You have went above and beyond. You were mentioned on a patient satisfaction survey. Thank you Heather." I won't lie it made me smile. I guess I am not sure what the voucher is for, I am assuming I can take it to HR and they give what the community calls "commerce bucks" and it can be used at 50 or so different businesses. I think I am going to keep the voucher as I like little 'reminders' as such.

Now this puts in perspective why my boss put me on the spot in the clerical meeting we had on Thursday. We had a little discussion on how to treat others internal and external customers. I was asked to explain how I conduct my phone etiquette. Not knowing why I was asked I just explained how I answer the phone and how I follow through with what I said I was going to do. I thought that was normally what others do. (At the hospital we use AIDET, which is Acknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Explain, and Thank.)

The meeting continued on about how there has been complaints internally and externally about how people are being treated over the phone. We were told we need to ask everyone what can I do for you and than do it regardless of how busy or how we do not think it is part of our job.

Not sure exactly how I feel about that.

Yes, I am all for going over and beyond my job duties. Yes, I am all willing to help out a co-worker. I am not liking the idea of asking my co-workers everytime I talk to them if there is something I can do for them---cause guess what---they will have things each and every time.

Regardless I did appreciate getting mentioned on a patient satisfaction survey. Curiousity has wanting me to know who it was but they are annoymous. I will find out next department meeting what was said about me.

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