Sunday, April 4, 2010

What side of brain do you use?

I was sitting here thinking about what side of the brain do I use. I mean I figure that I use both my right side and my left side but I am curious to know what side I use normally--what my dominant side is.

I did some research and came to an optical illusion of a woman spinning on one leg. If you seen her spinning clockwise you use your right side and if you see her spinning counter clockwise you use your left side of your brain. Well, it didn't seem to help me much as I could see her spin both ways---both counter clockwise and clockwise. Well, it seems to me that this is more of an optical illusion over a "test" to know what side of the brain I use.

Here is a link to the spinning woman:

As I was skeptical of the spinning woman I decided to take a "quiz" to see what my results would be. As for the quiz I use my left side of my brain more than my right side. Hmm...

Which Side of your Brain Do You Use?
Your Result: Left Side

The left side of the brain processes information in a linear manner. It processes from part to whole. It takes pieces, lines them up, and arranges them in a logical order; then it draws conclusions. You look at the details not the big picture. You use logic not imagination. The left brained person is a list maker. You would enjoy making master schedules and and daily planning. Learning things in sequence is easy for you. You are probability a good speller. Left-brained people memorize vocabulary words or math formulas better. You also use logic. When you read and listen, you look for the pieces so that you can draw logical conclusions. The left side of the brain deals with things the way they are-with reality. When left brain students are affected by the environment, they usually adjust to it. Left brain people want to know the rules and follow them. So basically you are smart! Congratulations!

Right Side
Which Side of your Brain Do You Use?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Basically, it goes like this:

Left Brain:






Looks at parts

Right Brain:



Holistic Synthesizing


Looks at wholes

As, I do see myself as using both parts of my brain, I do have to agree that I am left side dominant. (although I am a horrible speller and I am pretty random)

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