Sunday, May 16, 2010

Keep smiling, Keep going

I came to a harsh realization that people are not what they portray themselves---even the good ones---me included.

It amazes me sometimes when you think you know someone so well and than---WHAM---you are blindsided with the unexpected.

It saddens me to know how very little you mean to someone that you considered to be big part of your life. I guess this is what life is about. The unexpected.

Communication is such a big part of human relationships of all kinds. Known fact. However, communication cannot be one-sided. If one is unwilling or lacks the ability than the essence/magic is lost.

I feel as if I am losing the dreamer in me.

No worries, I am okay, as I am me. I like me. I am happy with me.

I forgive easily, so there is no hard feelings.

One thing I've learned---keep smiling, keep going.

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