Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dinner and, um, entertainment....

Yesterday at work I asked a co-worker if they would like to get supper. We always go and eat at the local Mexican restaurant---they have the best queso dip.

Anyway, after they said yes, I text a couple of other friends to see if they wanted to meet us for supper and of course they said agreed too. I went home and was teasing my kids on how I am going out to eat and they are staying home. The pouted, gave me puppy dog eyes, and well they gave me the works---all the dirty guilty tricks they could think of.

I had no intentions of not bringing me kids---I just like to give them a hard time now and again.

So, at the restaurant, I order my normal vegetarian number 4 and a margarita. We all sat around and talked and laughed. It was a great night.

Nothing out of the ordinary---yet!

As we were paying and getting ready to leave a fight breaks out. One man had broke a beer bottle over another ones head and the fists were flying. Blood was scattered all over the area. I asked one of the friends to take my kids outside while I paid.

Of course the man that ran the cash registered was trying to break up the fight---I had front seats to an absolute ridiculous show.

The fight broke out over a female. How silly. The young female started saying to the one man "What are you looking at?" and well her "over jealous" boyfriend broke the beer bottle over the head of the older guy that was enjoying his meal with his wife. This is where it got a bit out of control, as he was knocked down the young woman was standing on his neck while her boyfriend was punching away.

The fight eventually got broken up---but restarted at least 6 times. Why they didn't separate them into different rooms when they were actually separated--I have no idea.

The police show up but the one man who started the fight was taken somewhere by the waiter who mysteriously could not have been found.

I finally state to one of the waiters now that everything is calm can I please pay so I can leave.

Much more than what I bargained for. I dislike fighting---it makes me extremely nervous.

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