Thursday, May 13, 2010

My nightmare repeating itself...

Today I was at work in my own world---working away--I didn't talk and I didn't listen--just worked.

I was told today "Heather, I can not work this way. With you not talking. I can not take it." I didn't feel like talking, sharing, or even listening. I just wanted the day to pass as it was "my friday".

Midway through the day my phone goes off. It seems as my first ex-husband located me via Facebook--lucky me. This man has not been a part of my daughters life since shortly after our divorce. Tiana was 1.

His message was short "Let me know how my daughter is."

This brings shivers down my spine.

What do I say to him "She calls another man dad. How are you?"

Don't get me wrong, Tiana knows that who she calls Dad is not her blood Dad, but he is her real Dad. Tiana does not want anything to do with her blood father. We have talked and she has a good head on her shoulders. I don't blame her.

I am thinking that it is time to involve a lawyer to get rights terminated. It shouldn't be that big of a deal; he pays no child support, he hasn't participated in her life since she was 1, and he has done wrong in his life. I am not saying that people can not change---but when it comes to my kids---you better be proving it way before you get the benefit of the doubt.

Tonight is one of those nights where I want my kids close.

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