Thursday, May 6, 2010


I was talking to one of my only single friends last night. He has been dating a few women in the last couple of months and came to ask me a few questions on the dating world.

I find this humorous---I am the last person to come to for dating advice. Seriously.

As he was spilling his dating history, I listened. I mean I really listened. I related so very much to what he was saying. I found myself being empathetic and than saying to myself I know exactly what you mean.

As the conversation progressed I got the dreaded "Do you have any advice?"

Again, like I have said and will continue to say, I am the very last person to come to for dating advice. I knew I had to say something--anything.

Beings I could relate to what he was telling me means that whatever advice or opinion I give, I better be able to accept myself. Scary.

Guess sometimes you have to take your own advice...

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