Thursday, May 6, 2010

Change, change, and possibly some more change...

Today I enjoyed a great afternoon with a friend. We had an amazing lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and than went shopping.

We laughed, talked, and just enjoyed the day. It was great.

As the afternoon went on I started to think about things that have been bothering me. After realizing that being bothered by these 'things' is not changing anything but me.

I don't want to change me. I like me. I am me. I love being a mom. I say please and thank you. I count ceiling tiles. I love to do research. I play video games. I laugh at cartoons. I value friendships. I desire love. I believe honesty is a must. I am extremely shy at first than let my crazy side be shown. I sleep with the TV on. I listen to my friends. What I am getting at is I have these traits because I want them. I like them. I like me.

So what do you do when there is something in your life that you don't like?

You change it.

It clicked to me today. If you change nothing, than nothing changes.

So with the things in life that bothers me or not giving me the result that I want. I need to change otherwise it will remain the same.

I can say confidently that there will be changes...

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