Sunday, May 9, 2010

Yellow-Green Aura

Hmmm...I was told yesterday that I have a yellow-green aura. What does this even mean?

Well, as most know, I love research and so this is what I came up with:


This aura color means that the person is a very good communicator and knows how to manage money. If this is your aura color you are persistent in everything you do, enjoy your life and are optimistic about the future. You are proactive and always look at the bright side of life.

You are creative and you can express your feelings perfectly into words.

People who have such aura are also perceived to be powerful and sometimes intimidating.

Me, intimidating? Puh-leeze! However, I do believe that I am a great communicator. I also enjoy life, I am optimistic, and I try hard to see the bright side of any situation in life. I do like to put my feelings into words too.

Hmm... Do aura colors change or are you born with one and it stays the same your entire life? Guess I am going to have to find out.

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