Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's been 20 years...

Yesterday I went shopping---not any shopping---bike shopping.

I talked with a co-worker who referred me to the bike shop (mind you it is the only bike shop in town).

Regardless, I am an easy sale. When my mind is set on something I want I usually get it (as long as I can afford to do so).

Anyway, I walk into an old building which kinda smelled on the inside---not quite sure what it smelled of, but there was a distinguished scent. The gentleman quickly asked me what I was looking for and I explained "a bike". He asked me if I had a particular kind in mind and to be honest I had not a clue. I have researched bikes this week and learned about the different types, styles, and modifications, etc.

This gentleman must of seen that I had absolutely no clue. He pulled down a bike and started to explain features, types, styles, and the many other things. He showed me how the gears worked and how to disconnect the brake if needed to take the tire off, he explained different tire sizes and conveniences that are on the bike.

To be honest---I was overwhelmed. I just wanted a bike.

I smiled and listened attentively. I nodded and repeated information back. I asked questions and explained to this gentleman that I haven't been on a bike in 20 years. I asked him--halfway jokingly--if he could put training wheels on. He shot me a look and in which I immediately wanted to take back my comment. He said no.

After about 2 hours listening about differences in bikes I politely interrupted and said "I was sold before I walked into the door---I just don't know what to buy". The gentleman looked at me and said "I don't want you to buy a bike that you are not going to be happy with. Yes, it's great that you want to buy a bike, but I want you to have one you will enjoy'. I smiled and I understood.

After a bit longer I purchased a bike. My first bike since 5th grade. I had no clue on if I could even ride a bike anymore. I explained that I would be back the next day to pick up my new bike.

Today when I got off work I called a friend who owns a truck and asked them to pick me up so we could go and pick up my bike. I have to admit I was really excited. We got to the bike shop and the gentleman brought me out my bike. I noticed that there was things on it that was not on it the day before. He must of seen the obvious confusion on my face as he explained that he added things because he is worried. Even more confused at this point I managed to say it was not necessary and thank you. I mailed the bike shop a thank you card today for thier level of service, knowledge, the additives they deemed necessary, and thier friendliness.

Back to the story--I got home changed out of my work clothes and gathered my kids to go on our first bike ride. The kids were excited and we had a lot of fun. In fact the kids pooped out before I did.

I remembered how to ride a bike--I didn't fall. I did notice that I take some wide turns though. As of now I have a friend that I will go on a bike ride every Tuesday and Thursday and one weekend day--either Saturday or Sunday---whichever it might be.

Needless to say, I am really excited.

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