Friday, May 7, 2010

Off again, on again, the life of my friends...


What is going on lately?

Friends are fighting. Friends are not talking. Friends are talking about leaving their significant other.

It makes me so sad when two people have a connection and they lose that.

I feel as if I don't have the perfect words to say. So I don't say anything. I listen. I have heard so much lately and it hurts my heart to realize that over something so minute two people decide to call it quits.


It bothers me how quick people are to throw in the towel when things are rough and tough. From the outside looking in; it doesn't look so bad to have someone to come home to, someone to give that kiss to when you pass in the hallway, someone that knows your little quirks and choices you anyway. Sounds pretty good to me.

Now don't get me wrong I do know that there are situations that happen and a relationship should end; however, (no offense) this is not one of them.

I have to stop myself some times and remember that you can love someone so much and just sometimes being in love with that someone isn't anything like you thought it was. I do understand that this sounds contradictory, but even when one person loves another, if that love isn't returned, it really is nothing.

Love, to be that beautiful union that everyone secretly and not so secretly hopes for, needs both to want to love each other. Like I will say many times over and over, love is a lot of work, but at the end of the day when it's just the two of you laying there in bed---isn't it just worth it?

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