Saturday, May 15, 2010

Love is fickle...

A very smart 12 year old asked me the difference of love and unconditional love.

To break it down in simple forms I explained that unconditional love is the love that I have for my kids. I love them with no strings attached. They don't have to do anything to earn my love as it will always be there.

Love is something that a person feels towards someone after getting to know them and liking either the conversation, time spent, or a variety of other things. This type of love there was a cause and effect; for example, they needed to have those conversations to fall in love, if the conversations go away, chances are the love with fade.

Later on I began to think in more in depth of what unconditional love and love is.

A lot of people put conditions on love. They love only when it meets in there criteria/conditions and don't love when the conditions/criteria are not met. They can turn from love to hate instantly as something falls out of those conditions/criteria. Not to mention someones conditions/criteria may change so if the one receiving the love does not change along with these criteria/conditions they are deemed unworthy of continuing to receive their love.

The one thing I believe is love is fickle.

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