Saturday, September 25, 2010

The forgotten letter

One of my favorite things is something so small---it is a handwritten letter. Unfortunately with the technology today; e-mails, facebook, text messaging, it is becoming obsolete.

I still practice this ancient art of a handwritten letter and I do so every week. Something about the feeling I get of opening up a handwritten letter, just knowing that whomever wrote it for you choose every word for you. To know that someone put the effort into hand writing a letter--to me--is a grand gesture. I am glad I get to provide that feeling for someone else.

Don't get me wrong, I am guilty of sending a quick e-mail to ask someone how their week is going or even a text to make plans for supper. When it comes to the weekend I sit down with a pen in hand and write a handwritten letter. To be honest, I have never completely stopped writing letters as I always had an Aunt who lived out of state and that was our connection. Still to this day we write those letters and I have got my kids to join as well.

When my kids were gone for the summer, I wrote them each a letter or card weekly and received a few back from them. They cherished those letters and I would receive an excited phone call and a detailed letter of how their summer was. To read ones thoughts and descriptions helps the imagination and creative side grow. I hope that one day when my kids get grown and move off to start their life that they will not forget the art of a handwritten letter.

Not to mention how romantic a handwritten letter from the heart is. I wonder why people stopped with this---the forgotten letter.

When was the last time you have received a handwritten letter? How about the last time you have written one?


kevinjamesm said...

Your back! :)

MotherTucker said...

Hi, Kevin.

I am kinda sorta back. That was quick on your part to find out.

How are you?

kevinjamesm said...

Im good thanks, you? Im going to write you a email tonight, so we can catch up.

MotherTucker said...

I don't believe I received your e-mail Kevin. Did you send one all ready?

kevinjamesm said...

Oh good, I thought you were ignoring me. I sent it the same night I wrote this and its in my sent email folder. Do you still have the same address? I will send the same one again right now, just let me know if you changed your email address.

MotherTucker said...

Nope, I have the same e-mail. I will till one day I am not "Mother Tucker" anymore.

Maybe it went to my spam folder which automatically gets deleted. Hmmm...