The conversation:
Child: "Heather, Heather, Heather!"
Me: "Yes. What do you you need?"
Child: "Where does ice cream come from?"
Me: "Do you want to know how ice cream is made?"
Child: "NO! I want to know where it comes from!"
Me: "Well it comes from a factory, where it is made."
Child: "No, it don't."
Me: "Well, it does, it is made with milk or cream, sugar, flavoring, and air. They mix it together and while it is freezing, they have a machine that keeps stirring it to get the air mixed in. That is how ice cream is made."
Child: "Nope! It is made from cows that have colds. Duh!"
Hmm...I guess I was wrong...
Don't get me wrong as I love a child's imagination. When I was little I lived in Sioux City which has the Sgt. Floyd Monument. It resembles a huge 'pencil'. I remember telling my mom that I knew where clouds came from and when she asked me where I told her that the "big pencil drew them in the sky". When Dalton was little he thought the same thing--and he had no clue of the story of me when I was little.
The imagination is a wonderful thing!

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