Sunday, September 19, 2010

A compressed update...

It's been about three months since my last post and today I felt like getting on for a mini update. I have succumbed to my persuasive e-mails. Thanks everyone!

I have been collecting data for my trip to Ireland. Yup, I still plan on going. I will be waiting till the beginning of next year to purchase my ticket as I need to figure out when school is complete and when testing for my boards will take place. Regardless, I have a list of places that seem interesting to me, from scenic cliffs to historic cemeteries. I also picked up a pen pal from Ireland and he has been giving me some information on non-tourist spots that he considers to be a "must do".

I think I went completely crazy and started to tear apart my bathroom! I didn't know how much work it was, but I am happy to report 98% of it is complete. I still have to put the baseboard back down, which I am obviously in no hurry to do so. Everything was replaced besides the tub/shower---which I am partially regretting now.

Well, that do-it-yourself project overflowed into the hallway and living room in which I started and have not finished painting. It seems to me that Menards does not know how to mix paint (or at the very least they can not get the correct shade of yellow). So my living room and hallway will be a very eye-popping mustard color. Interesting to say the least.

I made a decision to put in my resignation at work---which my boss didn't accept---and begged me to remain on part time. So I will only be working on Fridays till I complete school---hopefully this upcoming May.

Well, there goes a mini update and with winter coming up I am sure they will be more frequently.

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