Monday, September 20, 2010

Batter up....

As the weekend came to an end the kids wanted to go play a quick game of baseball. Which doesn't tend to last too long as there is only 4 of us. I am the "all-time pitcher" as the kids prefer to bat and well to be honest---less people get hit by a ball that way.

Except me.

I pitched. Ian smacked the ball. I got hit. It really hurt!

Now, I know that he didn't intentionally hit me. The ball hit right smack in the left portion of my chest. When I laugh, it hurts, when I think about it, I laugh. See the vicious circle?

Now, I have a bruise--- a relatively small bruise---but it is still a bruise!

The best part was when Dalton states "Great, just because mom can't catch, we aren't going to be able to play anymore!" Thanks Dalton for your compassion! Although, he was right, my "owie" stopped the game and possible this 'season'.

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