Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Drive back to Iowa

The trip home was long--very long.

We woke up first thing in the morning and was making great time. Dalton couldn't stand being in the car anymore so about every 45 minutes or so I had to hear "Mom, I have to go to the bathroom." It got old quick, but we always took the next exit. This made for an extended time in the car.

As the kids watched movies or played on their DSI's, I drove. I occasionally sent a text or two and actually got a lot of phone time in.

I called my dad and asked him to buy me a camero. Of course he wouldn't nor would I actually want him to. I do have to say I really, really want a camero. Maybe that is what I will get when I finally graduate--we will see.

I talked to some friends and we made plans to get together throughout the next few weeks. I got told the details to the little black dress party in the middle of April. Gave me a reason to go shopping today. I bought my dress and later in the week I get to go buy some red high heels to go with it. Should be fun.

We stopped in Missouri to see a friend. We played basketball and jumped on the trampoline. It was good to get the kids out to burn up some of their energy! I can say I was glad to be out of the car too.

Ohhh, on the trip home I was privileged enough to get pulled over and received a speeding ticket. First ticket I have got in years! Speeding tickets have gone up since my last ticket. Oh well, at least I made it all the way to Iowa before getting pulled over! Yup, I was within the last hour drive.

The trip was fun and I am very glad that we went. Hopefully I will be making the drive again this summer; however, it will be without the kids.


Super Jason said...

speeding you? haha. loser.

Super Jason said...

wait didnt finish readin it whjen u wearin the dress?

MotherTucker said...

Yes, I was speeding. :-p

Um, the little black dress party is in a couple weeks. I don't wear dressed often (never) so it will be interesting!