Saturday, March 27, 2010


Today after the museum and Imax show we went to Pancho's to eat. Pancho's is a Mexican buffet. It was an experience to me.

You get in line with your tray like a normal buffet; however, you don't put your food on your plate the gentleman does that for you. Okay, I can handle that. We sit down and eat and the waiter comes to the table with chips and salsa. Again, I am okay with that. There is a flag on a pulley system that if you want the waiter you put the Mexican flag up and he will come to the table. This is where it got different for me. You put the flag up the waiter comes over and you tell him what you want from the buffet line. I didn't get that concept and either did Dalton. Dalton stated "I can go and get my food, he doesn't need to, he has lots of other people to help". It was uncomfortable for Dalton and I.

Okay, so it wasn't all that weird but it was different from what I am accustomed too. I don't like to cause anyone extra work or be a burden in even the slightest way. I would have prefered to get up and get my kids food for them at a buffet.

Oh well, it was good food though.

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