Monday, March 15, 2010

Choices are chances to learn...

I have been doing a tremendous amount of thinking lately. I consume myself in thoughts. Have you ever got to a point in life where you have two paths to take? How do you pick which one?

I have came to a fork in the road.

Do I go beyond my normal comfort zone and pick the path that scares the living crap out of me? Or do I go with my comfort zone and continue with a nice path in which life is known to be good?

I am usually not a risk taker, I'd rather have a plan---in most things. I don't put myself completely out there, I tend to be more conventional. I like to be approached rather than pursue. I look at the details along with the big picture, but sometimes I need reminded along the way.

I have been told many times if the same thing is not working--change it. Makes complete sense. Why am I afraid of that change? I don't believe I am actually afraid of the change in itself but more of the fear of not knowing what the outcome is. As I said I tend to like the calculated risks.

It's times like tonight, I miss having someone to come home to. Someone to sit up and talk with, to laugh with, to feel the warmth of their arms. To have someone to discuss problems, decisions, thoughts, dreams, emotions, achievements, and fears is what I desire tonight. Having someone to listen and understand when making a decision is one of the best gifts in life. It amazes me how many people take that for granted; how they take people for granted.

I have done my wrongs in previous relationships and I have learned so much from them. The one thing I have learned over the years is patience. Patience didn't come easy for me at first as I have a particular way I like things done. I like to know everything and it is extremely hard to think that there is a chance that I might have to wait on something or someone else. Don't get me wrong, patience is a trait that I have aquired. I live with patience--lots of it.

Beings I am now blessed with patience and have the ability to understand that others may have a different opinion on what is right or allowed. I have learned over the years of acceptance. You have to accept people as who they are. Good, bad, and the ugly. You can not change them as they have to want to change themself.

Over the years I have learned that it is vital to stand by people through good and bad. Stand by their dreams and goals. Encourage as they move forward and backwards. Let people know that you are going to be there for them as you would want someone to be there for yourself.

One of the biggest things I have learned is you get what you give. If you give 110 percent you will get more than if you give 60 percent. This holds true in all aspects of life; love, work, friendships, etc.

Enjoy the little things. I can't mention enough of the little things that I have in the last few years--I enjoy them so much-- and 10 years ago I would have not given them a thought.

Manners and respect can go a long way with a person so I have learned. Please, thank you, and I am sorry are little words that mean so much.

The one thing that I admire the most is the ability to see the good inside people.

Back to my original thought process--which path do I take? To go down either path there will be a learning expierence and there is good that awaits.


Super Jason said...

wow. u have been thinkin. need someone to talk to? ill be ur someone to come home too. no need to answer right away. take ur time and when ur ready to say yes than answer. lol

btw thanks for answering turd

MotherTucker said...

You are welcome. Don't get used to it turd!

Thank you, Jason for the,um, offer; however, I am going to have to pass.