Sunday, March 14, 2010

Des Moines

The kids and I enjoyed a night up in Des Moines. The boys were excited because the couch pulled out into a bed and they wanted nothing more than to sleep on it. Which left Tiana and I having our own bed. The beds were comfy, but the pillows were better.
We met some friends up in Des Moines and we went swimming, shopping, playing glow in the dark mini golf, out to eat a few times, and later in the evening night, the kids stayed with a friend while another friend and I went out to enjoy a few drinks. About the drinks, I do feel like they contain much more alcohol up in Des Moines than they do down in Ottumwa. I wonder why that is.
When we were leaving this morning Tiana said to me "Mom, I like Des Moines better than Ottumwa...and I know that you said you don't want to move back to Sioux City, but could we move here?" Tiana is my child who doesn't like the smaller town of Ottumwa. Ian and Dalton was definetly giving encouraging words of wanting to relocate to the big city.
I am not opposed to the idea of relocating and definitely not opposed to a bigger city.

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