Thursday, March 4, 2010

I miss my mom...

As I am writing this, I am aware that it is sort of weird coming from a thirty-year old and after three-and-a-half years---I miss my mom. I mean really miss her.

I really would like to pick up the phone and tell her about my life and my kids life. I want to listen to her voice and to hear her advice. So much I have contemplating. So much I seek her words.

I don't just miss my mom for me but I miss her for my kids too. My kids are unaware of what a kind heart their grandma had. I wish they could experience the pure goodness that she was.

I can think of a million things to ask my mom; a million things I would seek her advice for.

Now don't get me wrong I have absolutely the best friends in the world. They listen, offer advice, and help me see the other side of a situation.

It's just not mom.

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