Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blue skies and white fluffy clouds

Have you ever just stared up at the clouds passing by?

I do. Actually, I did today.

I pick out shapes that the clouds appear to represent. For example:

I seen a duck who looked like he was drinking water.

A person who looked like they were doing the Egyptian.

A dinosaur. More specifically a Pterosaurs.

I am truly excited about the warmer weather. It will be no time at all before camping commences! I really am starting to believe that I am "different" than others. Good or bad, who knows. However, soon I will be able to to lay back underneath a shade tree on a warm summer night. I will be able to close my eyes and listen to nature, to clear my head, to appreciate the smell of the outdoors.

These are the days that I live for--blue skies and white fluffy clouds.

Now that I am thinking about it. In my next relationship, I insist on days like that.


Super Jason said...

u are a kid! lol sounds fun.

MotherTucker said...

Anyone who knows me knows that I like the little things like rainbows and butterflies. Doesn't make me a kid--but makes me enjoy all aspects of life. :-p And who cares if I am kid-like?