Sunday, March 21, 2010

I am me; nothing more.

Multifaceted or complex doesn't even begin to describe me. I am kooky, zany, shy, aggressive, timid, affectionate, mysterious and practical. Why box myself into being entirely one thing or another? How boring would that be?

I am me; nothing more.

The thing is...I love my random self. I love that I like staying home on a weekend to color with the kids or having a grill out with friends; or I love that I am random and like to understand why and how things work; or that I would sit and talk to a friend rather than go to a bar at night; or that I value family; or that in the middle of one subject some other topic will pop in my head that I get excited about.

Sometimes I wonder if others reflect on themselves as I do. I like to better myself in any small way that I can. I think that is vital for success. I notice that some people are okay with just surviving. I wonder why that is?

Like I have said many times. I thrive on learning and making myself a better person in all aspects of life. I want to be a better mom, a better employee, a better partner, a better sister, a better cook, a better daughter, a better friend,a better student, well just a better me.

I take things personally when given any amount of criticism. Not that I really mean to but because I see it sort as a weakness on my part. The good thing is sometimes it turns out to be a learning experience. Can't fix something that I don't know is broken type of mentality.

Seriously how do people expect someone to work on something that they didn't know was an issue? This is where communication is key. I believe that sometimes people don't use communication and that is truly sad.

Things that go unsaid can't be fixed. Wants can't be filled if not shared.

I can't say that I never do this. I am famous for saying nothing is wrong just to save a persons feelings or to not have a fight. I am guilty of this.

I am not perfect. Far from that, to be truthful.

I love communication. I love the comfort of being able to openly communicate wants, thoughts, feelings, expectations, wishes, or whatever random thought that might go through my head at any given moment during the day. That is what I desperately want.

I would love to lay in bed with someone some random night to talk about a movie, a class, the trip to the store, cheese, the color yellow, whatever it is it doesn't matter.

I will have this in 2010.

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