Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My poor pinky

I have currently worked 32 hours this pay period with 4 days remaining and so I decided I better rush out of work at a 'decent' time. In the process of hurrying around and getting my desk organized and grabbing what work I should take home--I shut my pinky finger in a drawer.

Now I don't normally consider myself a baby when it come to bumps and bruises BUT this thing hurts. The knuckle itself has turned a deep shade of purple, it is slightly swollen, and it hurts to the touch.

The thing I find funny about my mishap is I am now babying my finger. I have become observant of my surrounding so I don't bump the bruised knuckle into anything. If only I was that observant beforehand I could have prevented the pinky-smashing to begin with.

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