Thursday, March 4, 2010

Million Dollar Question

Have you ever hear a song that reminds you of a certain piece of your life? Or how about out and about in a normal day trip to the store you come across something that made you think back?

Well, I do.

Sometimes these little "memories" are great ones and others are best to be forgotton. These little "memories" have got me thinking about the future--my future. Where I plan on being, who I plan on being, what I plan on being, etc.

At times I wonder if I am going though somewhat of an early midlife crisis. At times I get panicky on if I am accomplishing everything that I am meant to accomplish by the time frame given.

On other times these little "memories" make me think about the past. Where I have been, who I was, what I have done, etc.

At times I wonder if I would have done something differently if life would be different. Silly, I do realize this. Of course if things were done different than a different outcome would happen.

I have been thinking much more than normal lately. I have come to realize that this is because I am at a crossroad in life---what path do I take? That is the million dollar question.

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