Saturday, March 27, 2010


What did I do? Hmmm...

I rode my very first motorcycle. Okay, let me be honest, I rode on my very first motorcycle. Regardless, I had a blast. I was scared and excited all at once. I can see why people enjoy them. Maybe I will get brave enough to actually drive one next time.

Another first is I ate my first bite of chicken. Yup, you read that right. A chicken tostada at Pancho's Mexican Restaurant. I only ate a bite--but still it was chicken--and I did swallow it. It was everything that I thought it would be---stringy. Eww...

Rode a horse in Texas, that was a first, although I have ridden a horse before. Looked at a few neighborhoods and even a few houses.

I feel like I was working on my bucket list!

1 comment:

Super Jason said...

what i couldnt get u on my bike. im disapointed