Saturday, March 20, 2010

Soon we will be in Texas

Three days.

Three days till the kids and I drive to see our Aunt in Texas. This will be the boys first journey to Texas and their longest car trip. This will be Tiana's third venture to Texas and well I have been there multiple times since I made my first trip when I was fourteen.

The kids are excited and to be honest so am I. I always enjoy visiting my Aunt and seeing what new paintings that she has created. She has great talent and creates some beautiful paintings. I know that she has some 'projects' to do with the kids when they get there.

I talked to my Aunt this morning and told her of my recent decision to enroll back into the day program at IHCC. She said "Heather, your education should be your priority at any age. I offer you again to move and complete your education here in Texas but I know that is not what you want, but the offer is still there." She is very sweet.

I tried to decline nicely by stating that I am too scared to move there. She called me out on that fact. "Heather, that is bologna. You and I both know that you aren't scared. Any woman that will pick up her kids and move away from her hometown is not scared of moving. You have proved over and over that you are a strong woman."

She than went to reassure me that it is okay that I don't want to move there but if I ever decide to she guarantees that I will never want a 'northern winter' again. She is right, I wouldn't miss the winters, but home is home here in the Midwest.

Soon I am sure I will send Tiana down to Texas by herself in the summer for a couple of weeks. It scares me that she is almost the age I was when I took my first plane ride to Texas. Not only was it my first plane ride but I did so alone. That seems like only a few years ago to me, but realistically it was sixteen years ago. I feel old.

I feel like life is surpassing me faster than what I want. It seems that my kids have grown up in the blink of an eye. It goes way too quickly. Which is a reminder that in another blink of an eye my kids will be grown and have a family of their own. To watch my kids grow up has been the best part of my life.

Which brings me to I want to be a grandma (not anytime soon). I want to have multiple grand kids as I believe children are the purest form of happiness. I want grand kids to spend the night and to be able to sit them down and tell them stories. I want to take my grand kids camping yearly--as a tradition--so they look forward to it as much as I do. did going to Texas got me thinking about grand kids? Interesting how the mind works.

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