Friday, March 19, 2010

One hundred and one reasons

I was given some advice from a friend.

"If life gives you one hundred reasons to be sad; think of one hundred and one reasons to be happy."

I am not a 'down' type of person--normally. I have a tendency to remain positive and look at the bright side of life. On an occasion I get sad or confused or alone or just...well...sad.

Anyway, I thought that advice was amazing, as I have so much to be happy for.

I guess you can say I wanted to share.


Super Jason said...

ive never seen u sad or unhappy. ur all ways happy

MotherTucker said...

I try to be positive and happy; however, I am human---I get sad, unhappy, upset, and angry.

Super Jason said...

never seen u moody. ur allways smiling and laughin