Sunday, March 7, 2010

A little randomness

What a great day it was.

A lot of laughing, smiling, and very entertaining.

Not too much to write on.

I guess I had the great misfortune of talking to my second ex husband today. He asked me what kind of jobs there are here in Ottumwa--mentioning that he is thinking about moving this way. I take what he says with a grain of salt anymore. It's more like I am indifferent to him anymore.
The kids didn't get the chance to talk to him as he was "busy". One day he will wake up and realize the kids are all grown and he missed out on so much of the good ole times.

Oh, randomness, I am wanting to replace the ceiling fan in my living room. The fun thing is I want to do it by myself. We will see if I survive. It won't be for a couple of weeks to a month. I have plenty that I am trying to get done before that.

On a different subject I am planning on a new painting project. It is going to be hopefully a 50-60 inch canvas. I am hoping to get a canvas soon while the idea is fresh in my head. It might be a frame that I have to make, which is okay, I have done that before. I am truly excited about this because I have the perfect idea.

I feel bad I haven't used my camera since the snow angels. I was planning on taking pictures when we were outdoors yesterday but I forgot the camera! Ugh! Oh well, it is starting to warm up and well, I have plenty of more days outdoors to capture.

Last night I enjoyed a nice drive around town with a good friend. We actually went grocery shopping together---twice. Yup, we went to both Wal~Mart and HyVee to get everything that we wanted. After the grocery store I ended up driving them by my "dream" house. Not that I will ever own it and to be honest I love the house but I would prefer the house to be out of town a few miles. I will become a country girl.

Tonight, a friend will be over to study Micro Biology as we have our first quiz next week. I really do enjoy this class; however, it does make for some long days. I won't be home till around 10. It's worth it, really, it is. I am really excited about classes.

Well, I believe that is enough randomness for tonight.

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