Saturday, March 6, 2010


Today was a great day. Period.

Started off with a reason to smile and it only got better from there.

I decided to go to work in a hooded sweatshirt and jeans (normally we have to dress up) and than headed out to go fishing. Tiana was babysitting so it was just the boys and myself.

I enjoy the outdoors. I can not wait till it's warm enough to go camping. I sure do miss the warmth, smell, and the sound of the crackles of a fire on a cool summer night. Nothing better than sitting up and enjoying the view of nature all around. It's peaceful. With the chaos of everyday life, I enjoy clearing my mind with being outside near a lake.

Well I didn't go camping tonight, I did spend a couple of hours out by water. To close my eyes and drift off into the silence is so refreshing. I spent the afternoon thinking and more than likely over thinking. I can't help it--I am a girl. (I don't ever use that as an excuse).

I threw rocks into the lake to watch the ripples appear and fade slowly away. I actually tried skipping rocks, and I will admit, I am not the best at it. It didn't stop me from trying. I heard the secert is to get a flat rock and throw the rock horizontally to the water. I tried but can not get a rock to skip more than a handful of times.

Ian must of realized I was deep in thought as he came ip to me and gave me a huge hug and said "Mom, you are the best. I love you". Moments like that makes me so very grateful on having three of the best kids in the world.

Seeing how big my kids are getting and knowing that they are not going to need me for every little thing makes me really sad. I mean I like to take care of people hence the healthcare field. I like to be needed. I like to give my all. I suppose that soon I will have to occupy my time elsewhere than with my kids as they are becoming less and less dependent on me.

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