Thursday, March 25, 2010

Will there be a move in my future?

I was asked to move to Texas. I won't lie---I am giving it some serious thought. To be around family would be nice; however, being away from the rest of my family would be hard.

I was shown around town and to all the places that would be an opportunity to work at. In theory it sounds wonderful.

I have talked to a good friend whom I am in the RN program with and we both have decided that we were going to move to a bigger city after completing the program. We have discussed staying in Iowa and possibly moving to Des Moines. This would be closer to my family and they actually have family right there. We actually have talked about moving to Texas too.Surprisingly they have been contemplating making a move to Texas themselves. How ironic?!

Regardless of where we move, I do know that we are completing our RN degree first--one year.

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