Friday, March 12, 2010

Fortune Cookie

Today I was nonchalantly eating my lunch which happened to be chineese. I ordered steam veggies and rice. I was angry after I got it because it contained peas! Who would want peas?! Anyway, I made due and even ate some peas.

The fun part of my meal is when I opened my fortune cookie. I got two fortunes inside my cookie!

"Respect will get you far." "Small kisses mean big things."

Now knowing me I want to statistically know the odds of getting two fortunes in one cookie. I have no idea on how to go about this but I am going to try and see if I can find something or someone that can tell me the odds.

A little silly side note. I keep my fortunes.

Hmm....must be my lucky day!


Super Jason said...

ill give u small kisses and it iwll lead to big things. lol dont want ur fortune to be wrong

MotherTucker said...

Umm...I don't even know what to say to that...