Saturday, March 27, 2010


On monday my normal routine--my normal life--starts back up. I have to get back to work and extra early as I have been off all week. Classes at night and online have to be resumed and of course the kids go back to school.

I was once told that a vacation is anything that is different from the normal routine. Hmm...I see truth in that.

Also on monday I start my new routine. I decided I am going to lose the weight I put on. When I put my mind onto something I make sure it happens. The power of thought. I'm not quite sure how I am going to squeeze in an extra hour a day, but it will be done.

It will be a lot easier when I go to part time at work. At least I envision it to be a lot easier. Till than I guess I get up earlier as I all ready stay up late enough finishing up on things.

Talking about going to part time at work, I still have to tell my boss. Ugh. I pictured it in my head a thousand times and I thought I would enjoy telling her but I fear that is not the case. I feel like I am letting them down. I fear letting people down. I know that it is the best for me and my education but still I am dreading the talk with boss lady.

Oh, monday, you are coming way too quickly...

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