Saturday, March 20, 2010

Summer School

As everyone that knows me knows that I have been attending night classes and taking online classes.  After much thinking (and discussion) I have decided that I wanted to go back to Indian Hills fulltime and during the day. 

I have went and talked to the person that runs the nursing program at IHCC and by the time that I had left I signed myself back into the fulltime day program which starts this summer.  The better thing is I have completed all but one of the arts and science classes needed so I really only have to focus on the nursing core classes. 

While taking some of the shorter terms that I will have I plan on taking some psychology classes that will transfer over for my minor in psychology.

I am truly excited.  This shortens my schooling by almost a year and it also gives me more of an opportunity to take some classes that I can use to further my education as I plan to do. 

Who knows exactly when I will finish with all my education. But I do have a plan.

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