Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Lodge

At our stay we have done many things around the hotel.

The obvious is the water park. We have spent hours swimming. But there is soo much more...

When exploring the hotel we noticed these treasure chests set up randomly throughout the place. Curiousity gets the best out of me. I see kids with what at the time looked like sticks going up and pointing them at these treasure boxes. Hmmm....interesting I thought. As I watched I noticed that the treasure boxes responded--they talked!

I just had to know. The kids and I went up to some kids that was on this hunt with their dad. We asked what it was called, how to play, and where to begin. The helpful family walked us to the store to get us started. We activated our Magi Quest wands and our journey begun in the "Training Room".

We picked our Quest at the tree as instructed and off we went. Up five floors, down two, up one, down three. All we did was hunt for the next clue. We got into the game and went up a few levels. We didn't get to finish yet but we will see.

There were so many kids and adults waundering around on this "quest"--it kept people busy.

Along with the quest there was much more to do. We played in the arcade. We got airbrushed tattoos. The kids decorated Crocs (ugh, the ugliest shoes--but they just 'had' to do it) There was storytime by the big fireplace and still there was much, much more.

Something I loved was the kids were able to make me a flip picture book. The picked out props and got to make a seven second video. It was printed frame by frame and put together. Now all I do it flip quickly through the pages and I get to see the kids dancing. Very cool.

I got to say this place is worth the stay! (I'll post pictures soon)

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