Monday, March 15, 2010

What was I thinking?


In Microbiology tonight we had to play around with bacteria. Nothing with a harmful strain. These are all bacterias that are not going to harm us--at least that is what the teacher tells us.

I find it hard to believe that bacteria E. Coli is not going to cause any harm. The instructor has reassured me multiple times that this strain does not harm humans. I had to take his word.

So as I am prepping my lab materials to test a few bacterias I smashed the amulet (as instructed) to see if my bacteria would turn colors. It didn't.

Let me back up to the funny part of this experiment after I smashed the amulet in this little tube the size of a tube of super glue. I forced the lid off (as I thought this was the correct procedure) The instructor seriously stopped and watched me pour this junk all over (not the E.coli just the stuff to see if would turn colors).

I really wish I could have seen my face. I was in disbelief that I got that junk all over my lab sheets. The instructor grabbed my tube placed the lid back on it and said "Heather, the lid is meant to stay on, there is a hole." I laughed and wasn't allowed to have the tube back. He administered the drop for me as I obviously was having a hard time with it.

What gets me is he watched me struggle to get the lid off and didn't speak a word with me dumping it all over the place. He enjoyed me making a fool out of myself.

I have a sense of humor and I laughed as it makes perfect sense to keep the lid on and I don't know what I was thinking. I have no idea what caused me to do what I did. However, I took it with a grain of salt. I chuckled and whispered atleast I didn't break the glass beakers like the other girl did. Instuctor at least found humor in me.

Lets say lab for me was carefully monitored the rest of the evening...


Super Jason said...

lol. ur a loser. im sure ur teachr enjoys u in class. wish icould have seen ur face when u spilled it

MotherTucker said...

Please, I KNOW the instructor enjoys me in class. I listen in lecture and I am entertaining in lab. What is there not to enjoy?