Friday, March 19, 2010

What was Friday made of?

I could kick myself for making a lab appointment at 6:20 this morning. On a normal day--whatever that is--it would have been fine as I would be awake long before than. But nooooooo, Heather, was to go into work late today. So I had to give up sleeping in to get up at my normal time to get up and get stuck with a stupid needle. Ugh!

So that is how my Friday started.

If that wasn't bad enough, as I was sitting there getting ready to get my labs to be drawn, I reminded them that I don't particularly care for needles. I know, I know! I have tons of tattoos, but that is different--really it is. They promise to be 'gentle' on me and that it would be over before I knew it.

Not once, not twice, not even a third time....yup I was stuck four times before they had success in drawing my blood for labs. So much for being 'gentle' and 'quick'. I even got bruises where they poked and prodded.

Ah, really, it wasn't THAT bad but it is something I don't like having done.

After I get my labs drawn I run to my second job to administer some TB skin tests and note doctor orders. Wait--back up slightly--as I was walking into the building Willa, who is retired but still chooses to work as housekeeping, stopped to talk to me. She is amazing. She is seriously in her late 70's or early 80's and it just as sharp or sharper than most people I talk too.

A few months ago she was sitting by the time clock when I came to clock in and I asked her what was wrong and she stated her leg was killing her. I had to get someone over to get her as she had a blood clot. I sent her a card along with a plant and ever since she tells me she loves me and that she has never had a friend like me before. Now we work in different buildings and it is a treat to run into her.

Anyway, she asked me about my kids and told me about her grand kids. Asked me if I had a boyfriend and offered to find me one. She told me about her latest shopping spree and of her latest spat with her husband. She looked at me and said "Heather, I miss you." She got teary-eyed and gave me a hug with her "I love you, Heather".

That was a great moment.

Now, after that moment I went to work at my second job, administed TB's and noted doctor orders.

Arrived at my first job early. I am trying to get things caught up but it wasn't going to happen today. I got asked to do orientation with one of the new hires in the morning instead of the scheduled time in the afternoon. She was early and nobody knew what to do with her so I gave her orientation and when I finished it was just about time to give the other new hire orientation. I had two interviews today and a whole bunch of paperwork to get caught up on.

When I left. I was 100% caught up on everything besides policies. I am going to go into work on Sunday and Monday specifically only to do policies. I still won't be caught up but it will take a chunk out of them. There is only about a few hundred needing to be done--months ago--and another few hundred that are coming up to need revised. I will do what I can.

Today the office personal was growly and everyone was walking on glass as it was a day nothing could be done right---even if it was. The only thing I can say about that is I got two notes saying that I was appreciated for following policy and procedure and for the work that I do. Pbbbt...please. Tomorrow a new personality will emerge and I will not be able to meet standards once again. That's life.

Tonight, I am going to enjoy!

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