Thursday, March 25, 2010

Chuck E. Cheese

As any guilty mom would feel for "forcing" her eight year old to get a fat and bloody lip, I took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch.

We were the first people to the place so it was kind of nice to have it to ourselves. Joe, the training manager at Chuck E. Cheese, was the man who greeted us. Joe asked us what we were celebrating. We explained it was Spring Break. He congratulated us and asked us where we are from(Spring Break here was last week). I told Joe that we were from Iowa and he quickly asked from where. I explained that we have lived on both sides of the states and that we are currently in Ottumwa. Joe started to laugh and stated that he himself was from Iowa---Des Moines, actually. I didn't believe Joe. I called Joe a "liar head" and insisted that he says that to "everyone".

Joe started talking really fast and was telling us that he just moved to Texas. That he is the training manager for Chuck E. Cheese and worked in Des Moines. That he was born here in Texas but his mom moved him to Iowa when he was growing up. That just recently he transfered down to the new Chuck E. Cheese to help train.

Thinking, I asked Joe to show me his driver's license (if he just moved here chances are he hasn't got a Texas license yet). He reached into his wallet to pull out his Iowa driver's license. By golly Joe was honest---he was from Iowa.

Pizza was on Joe.

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