Thursday, March 25, 2010

Howlin' Twister

The kids and I arrived to Texas around six o'clock in the evening on Tuesday! The drive went very well and the kids didn't mind it.

We spent the majority of our time so far enjoying the indoor water park. With the lazy river, wave pool, kids play area, and of course a whole lot of water slides.

About the water really didn't want to go down the Howlin' Twister but I kinda, sorta talked him into it. Not really a great idea--which I soon found out.

We get on and he automatically was angry with me because it is pitch black and than we go down a huge straight drop and up one side and down the other of this great big tunnel. All I could say was "Don't let go". We get to the end and Dalton is crying and his face is being held in his little hands. I get off the raft and pick him up. His hands are filled with blood.

I asked him what happened and his knee came up and hit his mouth when we had the drop off in the slide. Boy, do I feel awful at this point---don't know if I could feel any worse---well I will feel worse in a bit. So the lifeguard blows her whistle and puts a closed fist in the air. Next thing I know I have four men checking on Dalton and asking a whole slew of questions.

The one guy gets Dalton some gauze to put in his mouth and an icepack for the swelling. As he was sitting there talking to Dalton he said "At least you were having fun till this happened". Dalton quickly and sharply replied "No, I wasn't. My mom MADE me go on that slide. I didn't want to!"

This was the point that I felt worse.

Needless to say Dalton is doing just fine---a fat lip and a little cut on his lip.

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