Friday, June 27, 2008

You got an allergic reaction where?

My phone rings. It is my sister. It’s that dreaded call that every parent hates to receive—you can tell in her voice--one of my children is sick or hurt.

She stated that Dalton told her that his ‘wee-wee’ was red and it hurt. The poor ‘lil guy was so embarrassed to tell her. So she called me to ask me what she needed to do. I explained that she was going to have to look at it.

She confirmed that it was red and swollen. In fact it must have been extremely swollen because she asked me if Dalton was circumcised—which he is—but she couldn’t tell because it was that swollen. :(

My sister mentioned that earlier she caught him scratching himself and now he is complaining of his precious jewel hurting. I not able to see what it looks like and I told her definitely don’t take a picture but you might have to take him to the emergency room. Which I said take him to the emergency room because he don’t have a doctor up there to go to.

I call the hospital beforehand so they will have all his information and a verbal consent to allow my sister to seek medical treatment for my child. Everything is taken care of on my end. Now the waiting game beings--she lives an hour from the hospital.

On her way up to the hospital she gets pulled over by a very kind police office. I was actually on the phone talking to my kids when it happened. It delayed the trip about ten minutes or so. I have already contacted Dalton’s dad to let him know what is going on and now I am getting text messages asking for an update and he hasn’t even allowed enough time for the drive yet. I explained as soon as I know what is happening I will call you immediately.

Than I wait…and wait…I hate hospitals. Not really, but you do have to wait accordingly to severity and sometimes that means hours.

I finally receive a call explaining that Dalton has had some sort of allergic reaction to something but the doctor is not exactly sure what gave the allergic reaction. I figured Dalton was going to have some sort of yeast infection beings he is swimming four or so hours a day and with it being red and swollen and itchy that it showed the signs and symptoms. I guess that is why I am not a doctor…I would misdiagnosis everyone.

Needless to say Dalton and Dalton’s most precious area is going to be fine. Just needs to take some anti-histamine and stay out of the pool till Monday. So, I contacted his dad and relayed that Dalton had some sort of allergic reaction that affected that part of his body. It could have been a different soap, a bug bite, some chemical in the pool, or many other things.’s every parent’s worst fear to get a call that something has happened to their child. So make sure you grab your kid tightly and tell them how much you love them. They are precious.


DoubleJ said...

I am glad your son will be okay!

MotherTucker said...

Thanks sweetie! :) I talked to him earlier and he informed me that he is going to be just fine. :)