Friday, June 27, 2008

It's's here!

I walked out to my mailbox and what did I see? It was a package for me!

Knowing exactly what was inside that small brown box just had me so excited. I ran inside and opened it up! And wow…it was even more amazing than what I was expecting.

What is it you ask? My magic 8ball phone has finally arrived.

Now this is a corded phone with no caller ID. I have to sit on my bed and talk which that was fine with me. I never knew that they made such a thing. Thank gosh I was on eBay.

These are the pictures from looks so much better on my nightstand!


DoubleJ said...

Awesome, the magic 8ball phone! I forgot to ask if you had won it or not but now I know ;) I have to stay off of EBAY, every time I am on there I buy some more old football cards and I already have way too many of those lol.

MotherTucker said...

I get into phases that I am addicted to eBay. Who's your favorite team? I got to tell you I really love that you read my thoughts. It is great to know someone cares to hear about my life. THANK YOU!

DoubleJ said...

Unfortunately, I am a lifelong Raiders fan lol. Who is your favorite team? You are welcome! This is a great way to stay in touch. I might start one up myself next week.

MotherTucker said...

I knew that you were a Raiders fan...I don't know why I even asked! lol I am a Vikings fan, have been for years and nobody has converted me yet. ;)

Yes, please do start a blog. Ya know I will be an avid reader!

Super Jason said...

that is all that it takes to get you excited? i have been trying for almost a year silly

MotherTucker said...

Come on Jason, wouldn't you be that excited to have a magic 8ball phone?

And you haven't been trying to get me excited for the last year...maybe the last six months. Get it straight!

Super Jason said...

whatever the last 6months u know its been longer than that and u still shoot me down. why am i still friends with u?

MotherTucker said...

The question should be--why am I friends with you?

You are friends with me because I am a rockstar. :) haha

Gosh, you really bring out the cockiness in me.