Saturday, June 28, 2008

I conquered the hurricane!

Last night there was a local band playing down at the beer tent, next to the carnival. Now does anyone know why would they put a huge amount of intoxicated people who have altered perception next to all the spinning and lights of the carnival rides?

Well after several beers I went to find out. I conquered the Hurricane along with three others out of the group of six of us that went. What I don’t get is we walked right up to the ticket booth with beer at hand and than right over to the rides and they even hold your Budweiser for you. This worked fantastic for us.

The ride started and we were woo-hooing! It got faster and finally we are up in the air….spinning. The other couple didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as my carnival rides partner and me. Our hands are up in the air and we are hooting and a hollering. They are behind us threatening us within an inch of our lives.

The Hurricane stops and we get off. I was ready to get back on but was out of tickets. As saying thank you to the carnival guy who released the bar to let us get on our merry way, I asked can I ride again please? He let me and my riding partner stay on to ride one final time. This just shows that please and thank you go a long way.

We rode a few rides with our senses impaired and proudly I have to say nobody got sick….from our group.

Back at the beer tent they are getting ready to close. The band is playing only a couple of more songs and it is getting late. I reach in my pocket and pulled out a handful of tickets that you exchange for beer. Crap. I forgot that I ran into my friend who he kept giving me tickets. I spoke my concern about not wanting to waste them with the people I was with. So, the six of us line up to down two more beers a piece before closing time.

The good thing is tonight I get to do it all over again….but this time it is one on one and not in a group.


DoubleJ said...

Wow, a carnival ride where they hold your beer for you! In Springfield, they would drink it while you were on the ride lol. Have fun again tonight! I am leaving for the races in a few.

MotherTucker said...

Hope you enjoy your night at the races....which I am sure you will.