Thursday, June 26, 2008

The little things in life...

As many know my kids are spending the summer across the state visiting my sister and other family that they don’t get to see during the school year. Now as anyone that knows me, even the slightest, this breaks my heart not to have them home. I hide it well when it comes to the kids because they are truly having a summer to remember. But I miss them…

I told myself that not only would I talk to them via telephone that I would write to them too. The kids have loved receiving my cards and letters. In fact I received my first letter back from my kids and of course it repeatedly states to ‘write back soon’.

The first card I sent, my sister called to describe the excitement that showed on their faces. If that doesn’t make a mother have those warm fuzzy feelings deep within her heart…nothing will. The second time I wrote I sent each kid their own card and five dollars to spend on treats when they are at the pool or gas station or whatever. Well the kids liked this more than the first time. In fact I received a call almost immediately.

“Mom, thank you so much for the card and the five dollars. I haven’t spent mine but Dalton had bought four pops,” explained Tiana, my excited daughter. I started to second guess my decision of sending money for treats. You see, I rarely let my kids drink sodas, so I can see them stocking up on it. There is nothing like that good ole sugar and caffeine buzz. All I could mumble out was “really”. All I can visualize is my youngest, sitting there surrounded by cases of Pepsi, Coke, or Mountain Dew. I see his teeth decaying as I’m speaking. Hearing my silence, my daughter must have realized what I was thinking because she than stated “Don’t worry mom, he didn’t drink them. He shook them up and watched them explode.” I instantly felt relief and thought that’s my boy.

I talked to my kids this morning and Ian, my middle child, tried to make some kool-aid or juice or something and must have not got the lid on tight and spilt it all over the fridge. Boy, my sister wasn’t happy about that but she was over it and explained that it happened over a week ago. I feel like I am a chapter behind what is going on with my kids. It’s hard but they will be home in a ‘lil over a month.

Dalton was told by my sisters’ friend this week that he should join a smiling contest. So when I talked to him this AM he is insisting that not only should he enter such a contest but that he would win. He even had the rationale of why he has the best smile. “I can smile real big and for a real long time”. “Mom, I would win a trophy, how cool would that be”. Now, I agree, he could win a smiling contest—hands down. I wouldn’t even begin to know where they hold such contests and I don’t like subjecting kids to beauty pageants or contests of the sort.

Now remembering why these conversations make me smile so intensely… “The little things in life often bring us the most joy”. The earlier people realize that, the happier they shall be.

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