Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Is opportunity knocking at my door?

Today was a good day. No. Today was a great day. It was my last day in OB, and for the most part OB was a great experience. There were eight of us second year nursing students; seven females and one male. I can honestly say that today the jokes got funny. See things that gross most normal people out don’t gross us nursing students out anymore. Let’s just say that the drinking fest over the weekend was out of the bag. Someone brought in sausage and the vegetarian cracks were slung at my friend and me whole-heartedly. I honestly haven’t laughed as hard as I did today in a very long time. This makes it a great day.

When I leave the hospital today I noticed that I had a voicemail but no missed calls. That is so annoying beings it might be from someone that I don’t care to listen to right at the moment but there is only one way to tell. So, I call my voicemail and it was the hospital that I was just leaving talking about an opening in the Family Recovery Unit that I might be interested in. Hmmm…I call them back and now have an interview set up for tomorrow afternoon. How exciting. I want a part-time position that includes days/evenings but no overnights. The job seems like I would be learning a lot and be helping people…kinda why I got into nursing.

Maybe if I cross my fingers and have some luck I just might be employed there very soon. I’ll have to consult my magic 8-ball. It never lies!


DoubleJ said...

Good luck on your interview tomorrow! What did the magic 8ball say?;)

MotherTucker said...

Thanks! :) I did ask the magic 8ball and I don't want to toot my own horn but I'll let the magic 8ball speak for itself..."positvely"! Hopefully they are offering the hours that I need otherwise it don't matter. :)