Saturday, June 28, 2008

In my normal day life...

I just want to say that in my normal day to day life, I don’t drink as much as it seems this last two weeks. Just as how life has shown everything has happened at once and everyone wants to go out at the same time. An added factor is I don’t have my kids so it makes it easy to say yes when I’m invited.

I do enjoy a drink though, that is no lie. Usually I do not drink in this magnitude of days though.

I don’t know why I felt compelled to put up this ‘disclaimer’. Maybe it’s because I don’t want my friends to intervene with some AA meetings or some stranger thinking all I do is party. Seriously though, I have fun when I go out and I know it seems that I have been doing so it great quantity lately but that is not my norm.

On another note it is almost one in the afternoon and I have done nothing but lay in bed watching some great Adam Sandler movies. He is hot! Not many recognize him as a sex idol but he rates right up there in my list. I think it is because I like the ‘goofy’ type of men. Sense of humor gets me every time.

I can’t believe I am going to quote my ex-husband, this would be ex-husband number deuce, “If you get her laughing, you are in like Flynn.” Priceless, huh?

Now I am just stalling. I don’t want to start my day. How lazy is that?


DoubleJ said...

Have you seen his newest movie "Don't Mess With the Zohan" yet? It is funny like all of his other movies :)

MotherTucker said...

I haven't yet. I am really behind on my movie watching. Shame on me. I will though and I'll get back to you! :)