Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Untill you spread your wings...

Well I think my interview went pretty darn good. I think my magic 8ball was correct…again. I was interviewed by three different ladies and they said that I will know shortly. Again, I’m not completely sure about the hours...but if it is meant to be…it will happen, right?

It is times like this that I think being a single mom is hard. Not only do I have to pretty much raise my kids by myself. Well scratch that. I do raise my kids by myself. Nevertheless, now I have to make sure whatever job I do have...takes the least amount of time away from them. And on top of that, I need to make sure that I would be able to afford child care for the times that they need it. No offense tended for any absent parent that is not raising their child fulltime…but this is where you have it easy. It might not be easy for you to only see your child/children a few days a month, but face it, the fulltime parent does have many more obstacles.

Don't take this as I am complaining. I'm a strong person and I can handle the obstacles that come my way. As so it is said "Untill you spread your wings, you will have no idea how far you will fly" and I plan on flying far...


DoubleJ said...

I am glad your interview went well. I need to ask your magic 8ball some questions sometime! I have always admired how you balanced school, job, and are still a great parent!

MotherTucker said...

Hey, my magic 8ball has all the answers. You can ask it any questions anytime! It doesn't lie.

Thank you for the sweet comment. You are totally a sweetheart!