Monday, June 23, 2008

A girls night out...

So Saturday night a few of us girls went out to some of the local bars. We all recently have become single for one reason or another and decided to have some fun. So we were out on the prowl….okay…not really. We wanted nothing more than to go enjoy a few beers and gossip.

Now, it all started off good. We were all half drunk by the time we made it to our first destination. When we got to the bar there were no empty tables so the three of us got invited to sit with three already drunk older men. No big deal they are playing pool anyway. By the time we got done sitting down and drinking half of our beers we had became engrossed in conversation with these men that were oh so kindly sharing their table with us. You learn a lot from someone after they have been drinking--sometimes too much. After we finished our pitcher of beer and the rounds of shots these giving ‘gents had purchased us we made our way to a block that had bars lining either side of the street.

First thing we did was entered the back door and walked right on through—nothing must of caught our eye—even though I am not sure what exactly we were looking for. On to the next bar we trotted, undoubtedly we were highly intoxicated. We peeked in to the window and noticed only a few people enjoy their brews in there. It must have not been exciting enough for us because we kept on skipping down the sidewalk only to hear a man yell at us from the bar “You can come in. There is sausage in here!” to which I sharply replied “We are vegetarians!” We giggled and definitely portrayed ourselves as the part.

Finally we reach a bar that had good music, people, and cold beer. I go up to order us a pitcher of beer when a curly haired man asked me what I was drinking and very nicely purchased my pitcher of beer. After I accepted the pitcher of course he followed me over to the table that we were sitting at…no big deal, right? Just a friendly conversation which he started off as “Hey is my shoes tied? That troll keeps coming and untying them”. I was speechless. Thinking quickly as any intoxicated person does I mouth to my friend “Help me”. She obviously was thinking much quicker than myself and says “Umm…she is with me and I don’t share. Let’s dance.” So here we are two highly intoxicated single women dancing for a group of drunken men. Now when I say dancing, I mean dirty dancing, the kind that you can only watch on late night TV if you get my heavy drift. This is the kind where every muscle is so sore the next day that you looked like you tried to ride a bull for 6 hours straight. Wow…I bet we showed them.

It was closing time and of course none of us was done but we made it safely to Taco Johns drive thru which we spent 10 minutes arguing that we didn’t receive our food that was apparently sitting on our laps. How embarrassing. We get to my friends house, which she has no idea where her keys or cell phone is. We end up breaking in through a window to eat our now cold Taco John’s.

I get to bed late or early, depending on the view point, around 4 in the morning. I wake up 3 hours later and I really honestly don’t know how this is possible but I felt as if I were more intoxicated than before I went to bed. I showered in the dark because the light just was killing my head. At 9 in the morning my friend managed to scrounge up a set of spare car keys and off we went to try and find her lost belongings. Which, surprisingly, we did find her keys and her cell different locations.

We than decided to make an attempt to run to the grocery store, which was not a great idea being they are so bright and noisy inside. Ugh! That is when I noticed that I had only spent 5 dollars for my drinking fest the night before and I am pretty sure I spent that at Taco Johns.

So thank you everyone who supported my alcohol intake that night. I do not know who you are or even why you purchased my drinks. I do, however, appreciate a nice cold beer now and again and if I do recognize you the next time I am out….the next round is on me.

All in all, I didn’t think it was a bad night out. We only had a few injuries—a bruised knee and a stubbed toe. Not too shabby.


DoubleJ said...

Wow, that is awesome, only $5 dollars for a night of drinking lol. I always lose about $30 minimum. Also you were so lucky to find the keys and cell phone.

MotherTucker said...

I know, I was pretty darn fortunate in only spending five-dollars. I mean that is the cost of one Subway footlong--according to that commercial--and I definetley should have spent much more than that. I couldn't have asked for a better night--well unless I would have made money. :)
We were extremely lucky to find her keys and phone. I couldn't believe it, if it would have been me I would have been still searching. Some people have all the luck!

Super Jason said...

ahem. you are single? i had to hear about this on your blog. we just hung out. i cooked for you. i see where i rate. so whatcha doing this weekend?

MotherTucker said...

You did cook for me and it was amazing. I gave you credit for it.

This weekend is up in the air. I have a bar-b-que that I will be attending either friday or saturday, can't remember which. :)

Did you just make a google account to post comments on my blog or are you going to actually post on your own?

I love the name of your blog.

You are such a nerd!

Super Jason said...

is that why u will not date me cause i am a nerd? barbque sounds good let me know if u can spare some time for a movie. im not writing a blog i only joined to leave u comments. its all for u heather.

MotherTucker said...


You are a turd. promises.
Oh! And if I do bless you with my presence I get to pick the movie.

Super Jason said...

if it make u happy to pick out the movie than go for it