Sunday, June 22, 2008

What is wrong with second place?

We have all been there. Everyone has ran that race or baked that pie that just wasn’t quite good enough to get that blue ribbon. What is so great about coming in first that we all thrive for? Maybe it is that accomplishment feeling or the boost to our ego that we get by becoming number one. Heck, it might even be that shiny trophy that will collect dust over the years but be that constant reminder that we kicked someone’s butt.

I love to win. I won’t even let my kids beat me in connect four. So to them it is a HUGE deal if they happen to slide one past me, which it does happen on occasion. And let me tell you--they do NOT let me forget that out of the thousands of games of connect four I have won that they have beat me those few games. And I don’t blame them. They just experienced that winning feeling.

So what is so wrong with coming in second? That is still a pretty huge deal, right? I mean taking in granted that there is more than two involved in this so-called competition. Don’t get me wrong people do make a big deal if they grab that silver medal but it’s usually accompanied by a story about how if they wouldn’t have stumbled they would have grabbed the gold.

Now I am only talking about this because in my spare time I do have an artistic side to me that very few are aware of. I love photography. I love painting. Recently I have been asked to submit a piece of my ‘art’ into a contest.

I don’t call myself a sore loser but one that loses poorly. I don’t pout, or cry, or throw myself on the floor kicking and screaming. I simply just hate that feeling of not being good enough. I know this makes me sound like I wouldn’t do something that I am not good at, BUT believe me I suck at a lot of things that I do repeatedly for fun.

As of now I am not sure that I will be entering this so-called ‘art’ contest. Hmmm…I’d love to win...but would I be happy with that second or third place prize…

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