Sunday, June 29, 2008

That cat is out of the bag.

Well…I knew I was going to get the first phone call from my adopted parents. I was asked in a very sweet and accusing voice “Heather, do you know anything about my lilac bush?” Knowing that I really am a terrible liar I tried and said “you mean that bush outside your house that grows lilacs…hmm…nope.” I giggled and gave it all away. “You did it!” she exclaimed, “Honey it was the girls. Heather laughed.”

So I confessed. I am guilty. She stated that I needed to come by and pick it up and I explained I couldn’t that I was fresh out of underwear. It didn’t work. She seen that we bought a size 14 in undies and those are the biggest size Wal~Mart sells. She knew they weren’t mine. So I told her I would be over in a bit to get her lilac bush cleaned out. As soon as I said that her hubby came inside and said he has already got it cleaned. Phew! I explained the thong underwear we bought were her size. She didn’t go for that either.

See I never did any teepeeing growing up but I do have other stories that my best friend and I would do. All in all it was still fun even though I told on myself instantly. I knew that they would have a great sense of humor about it.

I think I am going to be that mom that supports my kids in little ‘pranks’ to their friends. How could I not when I love to do it myself? Well all within reason.


DoubleJ said...

I remember throwing snowballs at cars and running like hell when the drivers would stop, get out, and chase us. That used to be a blast. If I tried that now, I wouldn't be able to run like I used to, and I am getting up there in age, might break a hip LMAO. What about the old ring the doorbell and dive over the other side of the bushes one?

MotherTucker said...

I have rang the doorbell and ran like hell not to get caught. And it did work for the most part.

I, however, never threw snowballs at on coming traffic. And I know I couldn't outrun anyone if I tried that now! :)

MotherTucker said...

I love that you left me a message on your blog. Let me quote "Heather made me do it! LOL".

So where are your posts? Hmm...?


DoubleJ said...

I will post something if I can survive the races Thursday and Saturday LOL! I have to get the pictures ready today and process them tomorrow for Thursday nights race and then do it all over again Friday for Saturdays races. I should have some good stories by Sunday.

DoubleJ said...

Okay, I posted something on mine for now. I think this is going to be fun LOL.

MotherTucker said...

I am so excited that you finally put up a post. I have always enjoyed reading your messages so I look forward to the many more posts to come. :)

DoubleJ said...

Thank you, this is fun. I am even going to put my best race car picture from each week on mine.

MotherTucker said...

That is a great idea! :) I can't wait to see them!

I didn't have time to put an entry in today/yesterday...whatever it was. BUT I will definately be putting something up soon. :)