Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ten Years

Looking back at the last 10 years, I question myself, what is the next 10years going to be like.

I have recently went through old pictures and read some entries to an old journal or two. I have accomplished so much and so little these last 10 years and again I have to ask myself who, what where am I going to be in these next 10 years.

I have read some of my old dreams and goals. A few have changed and some still hold the same.
One thing that is not as apparent as it once was is---excitement. Not that this is a bad thing. Too much excitement is overwhelming.

Despite some strugglingand big changes in my life over this last 10 years, I have endured my share of disappointment, heartache, loss, non-acceptance, etc. None of this has stopped me to---for lack of better words---dream again. Now don't get me wrong over the last 10 years I have expierenced love, happiness, acceptance, enpowerment, accomplishment, etc..

Well, in 10 years my youngest will be 18 which means I will have an empty nest. How scary!! Not saying I want to run out and have a baby--it's a thought though.

My schooling shall be complete--hopefully way before that 10 year mark---but you never know.

My house will be paid off and hopefully I will be living or at the very least looking at living in the country. Not too far out of town but just enough to be able to go outside and enjoy the stars.

I hope to have visited Niagara Falls and a few other places. Actually get in the car and have no predetermined destination--just go.

I want to go camping many times throughout the summer and cook cheese dogs on a stick.

I want to kiss in the rain--like really kiss.

To work at a job that I feel like I am helping or making a difference.

I hope to find and keep love. Possibly marry for a final time.

Write a book. Not sure on what but I would like to write a book.

Ride a horse. It's been years and I enjoyed it 10 years ago so maybe I will in the next 10 years.

I'll stop here instead of listing any more of my dreams, goals, wants. I do believe that the best way to succeed is to set goals and make sure to achieve them.

Now in the next 10 years where will I be? I can honestly say I am excited to find out.

Geez...I feel like I made my bucket list...ugh!


Super Jason said...

ill kiss u in the rain. hapily. whats been goin on wsith u? talkin about workin to much and wantin relationship. u got me scared. how long we no each other 3 or 4 year? u are indapendent smart funny and nice more then nice ur great. any guy u pick is lucky

MotherTucker said...

We have known each other a few years. Well, what do you mean what is going on with me? My kids are growing up, needing less and less of mom time.

Myself I have an inner desire to have love find me. I want my best friend, no secrets, great communication, and the security of forever. I want the first kiss--everytime. Now it is just finding someone that wants the same.

Sorry, Jason, never gonna kiss you in the rain. Don't you ever get tired of being told no?